Identify and Apply a Software Development process:

Below is a diagram documenting the format for the software development life cycle. Sprints and issues of each sprint will be tracked in the scrum board through issues assigned to each Individual/Pair. These issues have dates assigned in the catagories that correlate to each sprint. Once specific pbl assignments in the sprint are completed they will be moved throughout the Scrum Board.

Highlight Agile process: research, design, coding, testing, review, repeat.

At the end of each week our group will be meeting and checking through functionality and assisting in what is not currently functional. All research and coding shall be done as an individual or in pairs. Tests will be conducted as pairs and at the end of the week as a group. Once functionality is ensured presentations, likely through live reviews using issues completed will be presented.

Define and analyze systems and software requirements

Our program will use Github, VSCode, and some local apis for our software. Github will utilize two repositories divided between backend and frontend. Our apis shall connect these two repos and editing of code will be done through VScode. Issues in github and our scrum board will be used to coordinate and ensure completion of work by certain dates.