Reflection of Tri 1 of CSA

College Board exam 30/40

Question 4

Used double with float to evaluate the expression instead of an Int for rounding.

Question 5

Improper iterization through code segments, initialized it from 0 instead of 1 so it was iterating by to 3, 6, etc instead of 4, 7

Question 15

Didn’t realize there was an array out of bounds exception for the 2nd answer

Question 17

Out of bounds exception at 7 stops value from continuing to 8 and repeats 7

Question 19

De Morgan’s law flips the not and and on logic operators

Question 20

Contents of the array are reversed since it is decremented through the loop

Question 23

Literally just clicked the wrong one lol

Question 24

Flipped the column and row major order, iterated throught the array sideways

Question 33

Misinterpretation as an && instead of   for proper results. Flip logic operators in boolean expression.

Question 35

Math done wrong, multiplication by result value leads to result



Overall I worked far harder this tri and communicated within my group well. We were able to conisistently call and help one another with issues we were having on both group and individual assignemnts. I found myself able to solve problems as an indivdual far better than last year and was able to help my teamates in addition to them helping me. I had a fair amount of commits and contributions to my team repository and was consistent in my commit frequency.


My biggest drawbacks for this tri was catching after I was sick, and understanding of some key concepts. My hardest unit was loops and iteration. I need to work on a deeper understanding of this topic as it is very important, however how the elements of certain loops interacted with paramters presented and methods was a challenge. My other challenge was catching up on work I missed, and I almost entirely gave up on catching up as I was still very focused on the current work at hand. Organzation of personal site was also poorly done.

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