How did you know you wanted to do Comp Sci

  • Compare and contrast with other positions, talent in CS.

  • Problem solving.

  • Passion for CS, enjoyed problem solving.

  • Not passionate but understood importance, internships involved scripting.

  • Importance of user design and CSP for technical background.

  • Always interested in CS. APCSA showed how to use through application. COVID-19 Database.

What is the biggest CS challenge

  • Keeping motivation in spite of difficulty and errors.

  • Egos, focus on your own path and progress, follow your own curves.

  • Theory behind CS and complications that you didn’t realize before. Highschool to College transition.

  • Motivation in CS, feeling worse. Project in mind helped with keeping focus and learning.

  • Starting, temptation to BS, take the easy yet worse route and try to cut corners (above and beyond).

  • Structure and order can be very confusing and it’s hard to get started. Don’t be afraid to diverge from the plan.

Are there PBL scenarios in college

  • Yes, 2 hands on projects done in college. Very theory based, still does exist though.

  • Mix of PBL and exams. Sometimes can be split.

  • Teacher can’t focus on individual, group learning.

Have you applied CS in a major not thats not CS

  • Conversions can be automated.

  • Programs can be used to rework projects, 3d printing?

  • Problem solving logic, not just CS but key concepts outside of actual work.

  • Math library can do work for you.

  • Jupyter notebooks used for technical papers to make them interactive.

  • Programming involved in stats.

Have you had a job before implemented with school or your professor

  • Apply and create a resume that makes you memorable. Show you’re different.

  • Kind’s of jobs or internship: TA’s, bus driver (lol), code ninja’s, cybersecurity, API’s and web development, UI interface

  • Northrop Grumman internships (high school programs)

How to find internships

  • Show off projects.

  • look for work experience.

  • Show you know how to do work.

  • Finding algorithms (search, sorting, graph theory, “ “ problem)

  • Search around september of next year to mid november is when resume needs to be done. (Qualcomm)

  • Engineering doesn’t change throughout schools, stand out through projects and experience.

  • Small companies can take high school.

  • USE YOUR RESOURCES, find people to refer you or get you internships.

  • Talk to people that could help you.

  • LinkedIns

  • Apply for Code ninjas

Use of CS in mechanical engineering

  • Mirror components.

  • Script that took and isolated extra text in being mirrored.

  • Manipulating data.

  • Simulations for materials converted from hand to functions then setup for computations.

Clubs or programs

  • UAV’s

  • Personal use

Why did you want to go into machine learning

  • Had to look for a new major

  • Technical classes

  • Art Ai’s

  • Robotics

  • SD stem startup’s