Casting, specifically for Division:

Changing between two primitive data types. If you are running a function that uses division the results will be rounded if double --> int. Int --> will result in larger double expression

Casting, specifically for Truncating or Rounding:

Changing between two primitive data types. Data can be truncated such as double --> int which will cause a shorter rounded term.

Wrapper Classes, why wrap int, double. Show examples:

Wrapper classes use primitive data types as an object. Wrapper classes used in previous projects such as our FRQ 2.

Concatenation, explain or illustrate rules on mixed type Concatenation

Concatenation is the process of combining two or more Strings using the concat() method. Has to use the + or += operators and use two strings.

Math class, specifically Random usage

Math classes perform basic operations such as exponentials, absoloute value, etc. Random can be used to generate a random value for useage.

Compound Boolean Expression

A boolean expression combined through the use of && to make advanced logic or double negatives.

Truth Tables

A truth table has one column for each variable, one row for each possible combination of variable values, and a column that specifies the value of the function for that combination.

De Morgan’s Law

Saying (not a or not b) is the same as saying !(a and b)

Comparing Numbers

You can use basic operators or == to compare determine if statement logic with numbers.

Comparing Strings

Equals() method will compare two strings that are set to equal one another

Comparing Objects

For comparing two objects you can use the equals() method. This will compare two ints

for loop, enhanced for loop

A for loop repeats a segment of code a certain amount of times. It is formatted as: for (int = x; i < y; i++){} An enhanced for loop works for all values in an array, and is formatted as: for (int x: array) {}

while loop versus do while loop

A while loop runs while a condition is true, so if i = false, the program will continue to run until something in the while loop changes the preset condition. A do while loop is the same but it checks for conditions after the while loop is run.

nested loops

When a for of while loop is inside of another loop causing a multiplicative number of examples, if a for loop runs 3 times and a nested for loop runs 4 times the total segment will run 12 times.

Creating a Class, describe Naming Conventions

A class will hold large code segments and methods and objects will be declared to the class. The class should be capitalized and overview what the code it about.

Constructor, describe why there is no return

Constructors are methods that are specific to a class, they are named the same as the class and has no return type.

Accessor methods, relationship to getter

Used to return the value of a private variable. Accessor methods are getters.

Mutator methods, relationship to setter, describe void return type

Mutator methods change the value of private variable. Mutators are setters. Void return type so no return.

Static variables, Class variables, show use case in code

Static variable are class variables, copies are made throughout class. public static void main(String args[]) {} Used in most lines of code and are called to run everything in the method.

Show use case of access modifiers: Public, Private, Protected

Used in images.

Static methods, Class methods

A static method is a method that belongs to a class rather than an instance of a class. The method is accessible to every instance of a class, but methods defined in an instance are only able to be accessed by that object of a class.

this Keyword

Iterates through your code by a specific keyword or iterates through an array by the use of term. Can use includes()

main method, tester methods

public static void main(String args[]) {} used for main method. Tester method uses other methods and prints results in terminal to test variables and logic.

Inheritance, extends

Inheritance uses methods from other code segments such as methods or variables and calls them in other code blocks. Extends extends everything from a previous class to an additional class.

Subclass constructor, super Keyword

A subclass inherits all values from the superclass and they can be called in the subclass constructor.

Overloading a method, same name different parameters

When you have two methods that have the same name but run different parameters.

Overriding a method, same signature of a method

Allows a subclass to change specfic implementation of a superclass method.

Abstract Class, Abstract Method

Abstract class: is a restricted class that cannot be used to create objects (to access it, it must be inherited from another class). Abstract method: can only be used in an abstract class, and it does not have a body.

Standard methods: toString(), equals(), hashCode()

toString(): Converts value such as an int to a string. equals(): can be use to check if two data types are equal hashCode(): creates a hashcode to convert between two data types.

Late binding of object, referencing superclass object, ie Animal a = new Chicken(); Animal b = new Goat();

An object is late bound when it is assigned to a variable declared to be of type Object.

Polymorphism: any of overloading, overriding, late binding

Describes a situation in which something occurs in several different ways

Big O notation for Hash map, Binary Search, Single loop, Nested Loop

Creates a bound for an operation being completed. O(1), O(log n), O(n), O(n^2)