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Gabriel's Personal Data Structures project

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Home Test Prep Project Documentation Create Task Documentation AP Study

4/18: Review Videos in preperation for practice quizzes. Review previous test corrections and mistakes to practice struggeling topics.

4/19: Complete Quiz 1 during class and reflect on how I did and what I can improve on; Complete more AP Preperation at home

4/20: Sick day, review videos at home in preperation for quiz 2.

4/21: Complete Quiz 2 during class and work on corrections to see if I improved from the first quiz (around the same);

4/22: Finalize Create Task, make corrections and make sure it meets requirements. Crossover with Tyler.

CollegeBoard Quiz Scores

Quiz 1: 44/50


Q18: The ability to use multiple protocols is not affected by how packets are routed.

Q21: The World Wide Web is not a protocol, and the Internet is not a data stream.

Q22: Both online newspapers and social media sites allow people to distribute information instantaneously.

Q23: A user’s email address is required to receive email from other people. An email address in itself does not contain any extra information about the user.

Q29: The program does not work as intended. On the test case [9, 1, 4, 5], the program displays 28 but the correct sum is 19.

Q32: Moving line 5 to line 2-3 would ensure the value of count isn’t reset each time the loop runs.

Quiz 2: 40/50

Create Task Link: